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Histology, Routine, Tissue


10% Formalin Fixed Tissue for Examination
Used in the diagnosis of disease questioned or for routine purposes.

Performing Laboratory

St. Joseph Hospital

Specimen Requirements

Acceptable Specimens:

Aspirated body fluid, frozen section, or tissue


Submit only 1 of the following specimens:


Aspirated Body Fluid
1. Place aspirated body fluid in a screw-capped, plastic container(s).
2. Fix specimen in Saccomanno’s fixative. See “Cytology” in “Special Instructions” for further information on specimen collection.

3. Label container with patient’s name (first, last, and middle initial), medical record number (if available), date and time of collection, location of patient, and source and type of specimen.

4. Please complete a “Histology-Cytology” request form in “Cytology” in “Special Instructions,” and forward it with the specimen. Pertinent clinical data must be provided.

Note:  1. Histology specimen should be in Histology Laboratory by 1400 hours, Monday through Friday. Specimen arriving later (up to 1500 hours) may be processed if the pathologist is notified.

2. Specimen source is required on request form for processing.


Frozen Section
Frozen sections should be scheduled with Pathology Laboratory by calling 6-7250. Please notify pathologist on-call as soon as there is a possibility of a frozen section. If section is not scheduled, time must be allowed for locating pathologist.


1. Specimen should be handed directly to a pathologist or Pathology Laboratory personnel on a moistened saline towel. Do not put specimen in fixative. See “Cytology” in “Special Instructions” for further information on specimen collection.

2. Please complete a “Histology-Cytology” request form in “Cytology” in “Special Instructions,” and forward it with the specimen. Pertinent clinical data must be provided.
Note:  1. Specimen will be sent to Histology Laboratory for permanent sections.

2. Pathologist will write his/her findings on the “Histology-Cytology” request form and give to surgeon. The signed copy will be placed in patient’s chart.

3. Specimen source is required on request form for processing.



It is recommended that multiple sections from a single patient be submitted separately and labeled accordingly as to specific anatomic site. Only 1 “Histology-Cytology” request form needs to accompany these specimens.


1. Entire specimen should be placed immediately into a container of 10% buffered formalin containing at least 5 times the volume of specimen. See “Cytology” in “Special Instructions” for further information on specimen collection.

2. Label container with patient’s name (first, last, and middle initial), medical record number (if available), date and time of collection, location of patient, and source and type of specimen.
3. Ensure container lid is on tight. Place specimen in a biohazard bag.

4. Please complete a “Histology-Cytology” request form in “Cytology” in “Special Instructions,” and forward it with the specimen. Pertinent clinical data must be provided. Do not put request form together with specimen; attach to outside of biobag or put into outside pocket.

Note:  1. Histology specimen should be in Histology Laboratory by 1400 hours, Monday through Friday. Specimen arriving later (up to 1500 hours) may be processed if the pathologist is notified.

2. Specimen source is required on request form for processing.

Reference Values

This request will be processed as a consultation. Appropriate stain(s) will be performed and an interpretation provided.

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Friday

Test Classification and CPT Coding

88312-88313 - special stains; group I and group II
88302-88309 - tissue specific

Special Instructions