Test Code MAL Parasite Examination, Blood
Additional Codes
EPIC: LAB36350
Screen for the presence of blood parasites such as Malaria and Babesia.
Performing Laboratory
St. Joseph Hospital
Specimen Requirements
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:
Whole blood is the preferred specimen at ambient temperature. If there is a delay in transport of ≥4 hours, send 3 to 4 thick and thin smears.
Draw blood in a lavender-top (EDTA) tube(s), and send 2 mL of EDTA whole blood. Forward promptly at ambient temperature only. If there is a delay in transport of >2 hours, send specimen refrigerated.
Smears, Thick and Thin
Whole blood is the preferred specimen at ambient temperature. If there is a delay in transport of ≥4 hours, send 3 to 4 thick and thin smears.
Thin Blood Smears
1. Prepare with a “feathered edge”; should be no more than a single cell thick.
2. Allow film to thoroughly air dry and then fix by briefly immersing in either absolute or 95% methyl alcohol. Allow to air dry. Protect smears from light.
3. Send slides in a plastic slide container.
4. Forward promptly at ambient temperature only.
Thick Blood Smears
1. Place a large drop of blood (preferably from a fingerstick) on a slide.
2. Using a corner of a second slide, spread drop by literally scratching carrier slide to make blood adhere. Drop of blood should start out the size of a dime and be about the size of a quarter when finished.
3. Do not fix; air dry only. Protect smears from light.
4. Send slides in a plastic slide container.
5. Forward promptly at ambient temperature only.
Reference Values
No parasites seen
Positive results will be called to the requesting provider
Day(s) Test Set Up
Daily, all shifts
Test Classification and CPT Coding